Private Jets

Afd Air > Private Jet Rental

Private Jet Rental

Private Jets Why Private Jet?

Executive jets have for many years been considered as expensive luxuries for senior executives. The fact is that a small party can travel on an AFD Air jet charter direct from a more convenient departure point to their intended destination for roughly the same price as if they all flew and paid for Business Class on an airline. The huge advantages are productivity, flexibility and time.

Freedom of movement...

Flexibility means you go when you want to - not when the airlines schedule dictates.

Save time...

Time savings can be enormous. Apart from the lack of long check-in; security and boarding times that airline passengers now suffer, we can fly you direct to smaller, more local, airfields that are closer to your chosen destination and which can save you several hours wasted travelling time.

Win prestige...

AFD Air also has long experience providing Limousine and/or other vehicle renting services for local transfers, hotel and tour organizations and other personal and/or group travel, requiring our executive services. With these additional complimentary services, we are proud to be able to serve your full requirements.

Win power...

We are your service provider to support you to find the best alternatives with the most appropriate prices, thanks to our worldwide connections.

AFD Air provides global service for private jet charter categoriy with the right expertise and long experience, so we are your service provider, specialised in leasing private jets for your private jet charter flight needs.

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